Wivenhoe residents solve the mystery

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It took six Wivenhoe residents four months to solve the mystery. The ‘Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt’ mystery that is.

Each year, thousands of women around the world sign-up to make the same fabric quilt as Bonnie Hunter, a self-confessed quiltaholic from North Carolina, USA.

Instead of releasing the pattern all at once, Bonnie releases ‘clues’ every week via her blog. It means that nobody knows what they are creating until the very end.

This year, six Wivenhoe residents of varying experience levels came together to talk about fabric colour choices, sewing techniques and what they were expecting next.

The mystery quilt was the first quilt ever made by one lady, another had 40 years experience, two ladies had only made appliqué quilts while another was determined to make it even though she had suffered great loss.

Lynne Shields who has participated in the challenge 6 times said:

“We’d get together twice every week, work at our own pace, drink coffee and celebrate our progress. And most importantly we’d laugh. Lots. It’s a wonderful way to experience quilting - something that is otherwise done alone and in isolation.”

Will they participate in the 2020 challenge? “Absolutely” says Lynne.

“Even if we have to get together online to do it”.

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MBARKWivenhoe Village